
Baracca is a restaurant in Biella and you pretty much just go there for one thing…You suspect a dish may be pretty good when you see the whole restaurant eating the same thing. I already blogged about it once before: am referring to their wondrous Piedmontese Bolito Misto, but the last time i was so greedy i ate the equally delicious starter of warm anti pasti before i could even photograph them and they too are well worth a mention. So this time i managed to restrain myself, so on the plate a selection of small savoury starters:

Starting with the biggest wedge and moving round clockwise: a cheese torte, a slice of polenta with a gorgonzola sauce, a fritatta of ham and cheese,  a cheesy vol-au-vent (are you sensing a common thread?), ricotta and spinach tart, and my personal favourite, the cotechino sausage with boiled potato…mouth-wateringly, artery-hardeningly (but who wants to live forever anyway…?) delicious!

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